The earlier part of Friday was spent attending various meetings at the CAPA center. Afterwards, I took the tube back home to get ready for our Arrival Reception, which was to be a traditional British High Tea at a hotel near CAPA.
The room was beautiful and the table settings simple, but elegant. Staff came by and offered cups of hot tea and coffee. We added milk and sugar to our own taste. After introductions by CAPA staff, some kind words and a great story about memories and the passage of time, we were invited to get what we liked from a great variety of sandwiches, small cakes, biscuits, and scones.
It was especially interesting for me to attend the tea since one of the hospitals I volunteered at had their own weekly high tea that was served to patients going through chemotherapy. Our high tea was very special and the patients really looked forward to it. We had home-made clotted cream that we made and gave out. I was surprised to see that the British clotted cream tastes quite different. Ours was sweeter and more like whipped cream, while the one here is saltier and more like butter. Both are tasty in their own way.
Having a traditional British High Tea was on my list of things to do, so it was great to do it through CAPA!
Lauren and I